Beyond the Lights Read online

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  “Hey, Sawyer. Great game,” she says with a smile that makes my skin crawl.

  “Thanks,” I say, taking another drink of beer. She continues to talk and all I hear is the damn teacher on Charlie Brown. Can she not go on? Where the hell is our food?

  “Oh, since Sawyer is being rude, I’ll introduce myself. Lori.”

  Addie smiles and extends her hand, “Addie Mae. Long time no see.” Lori’s mouth falls open. Boss places the food down in front of us. I reach for my wallet and hand Boss my card.

  “Thanks, Sawyer,” she says as she lightly places her hand on my leg then kisses my cheek briefly, and Lori takes note. He hands me the paper to sign and I stand to finish my beer and as Addie Mae does the same, she tells Lori bye. As I grab the food, she laces her fingers through mine and even though I know the gesture is one to save me from Lori, something tells me it could be so much more.

  Chapter 10

  Addie Mae

  THE MOMENT WE WALK OUT the door, I burst out laughing and so does Sawyer. As our hands separate, we walk toward the Jeep. Climbing inside, he looks my direction.

  “Thank you for saving me back there.”


  As we arrive back at the Jackson’s pond, I take the food while he grabs the fishing rods and tackle box from the barn. Taking a seat at the dock, I separate the orders and wait on Sawyer. He brings the cooler from the shower down to the dock as well. He opens it and hands me a beer.

  “Seriously, thank you for that back there at the bar. She can’t take the hint.”

  “Obviously. What happened there anyways?” Setting the beer down, I bait my hook and throw the line into the water. Once it’s resting in the water, I open my can, take a long drink then take my supper from the paper bag and open the box of wings and chips. He doesn’t say anything and I realize I’m being nosey like everyone else in this town. “Never mind, it’s none of my business.”

  “Nah, it’s fine,” he says, taking a wing in his hand before taking a bite. “We dated a long while, but she couldn’t get the fact that football is my life. I’m not giving it up for a girl.”

  “I get it. It’s what you were born to do. You can’t change that. I love doing makeup. I always have, and if a guy told me I had to quit, I’d tell him to go on. This life is amazing and everything I dreamed about as a little girl. So, what were you about to tell me before Lori walked in?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You were about to say something. I told you that I love coming home so that it’s not all about the lights and cameras.”

  “Oh…for me, I feel like now every time I walk out in public, I’m being judged, questioned on my leadership of the team, and it’s strange. I didn’t think it would be like this.”

  “Yeah, I didn’t either, but it’s what happens beyond those lights on Fridays that matters for you, Sawyer. You’re a great guy and you deserve to go and do what you want without people talking. But I get it. I feel like I have to be made up and looking very LA every time I walk out of my house. It can be exhausting.”

  “Addie Mae, if you didn’t have an ounce of makeup on, you’d still be beautiful.”

  * * *


  Her eyes look up to mine from under the ball cap and my heart skips a beat. I try my best not to laugh as wing sauce is covering her face.

  “What’s so funny?” Leaning into her, I take my thumb, reach out for her and remove it from her perfect lips then wipe it on the napkin as her cheeks turn pink. “Sawyer…” she says. I look back to her and when her eyes catch mine once more, I can’t hold back. Taking my hand, I slide the ball cap from her head and sit it beside me before looking back to her. Neither of us say a word, but when I lean into her and slide my hand behind her neck, she doesn’t fight me. Instead, she leans in.

  As her lips find mine, I can’t explain the way they feel against mine, but I will never be the same. I deepen our kiss and she moves closer. In one swift motion, I pull her to my lap and continue to kiss her like it might be my last.

  When we are breathless, she pulls away and my heart hurts. “Damn, I’ve been wanting to do that all damn night.”

  Smiling, she looks at me, “Then do it again.” I waste no time pulling her back to me. As my hands begin to roam, a small moan escapes her lips and then her hands land on my chest.

  “Sawyer, we can’t start this. I’m leaving in two days,” she whispers and begins to pull away. Looking into her eyes, I see the doubt. Taking the ball cap, I turn it backwards and place it on her so her eyes aren’t hidden.

  “It always looked better on you anyways.”

  She looks at me, “What do you mean?”

  “I remember when you stole it. I was pissed because it was my favorite hat, but then I thought about you leaving Mason. I wanted you to take it.”


  “Hell, I don’t know. I’m guessing because deep down I never wanted you to forget us…or forget me. Even though you drove me bat shit crazy most of the time, I’ve always cared about you.”

  “I always loved to piss you off.” She half smiles.

  “Oh I know, but Addie Mae, I don’t think I can ever let you go now.”

  “Sawyer, it was one kiss.”

  Taking her face in my hands, I declare, “It’s more than a kiss. The moment you showed up at the school, I knew that something was different with us. I was reluctant and thought that you weren’t the same old girl I knew my entire life, but when you got out of your truck before the shower, my world stopped. It’s never done that for a girl, ever. You’re probably going to think I’ve lost my mind, but I want you, Addie Mae. I want you in my life and in more ways than just my sister’s best friend.”

  Chapter 11

  Addie Mae

  LOOKING INTO HIS DEEP BLUE eyes, I feel what he is telling me, and within my soul I’ve felt it, too. The little girl in me wants to jump up and yell yes, but the adult in me is rationalizing the fact that I live almost twenty hours away. There is no way this would work.

  “Sawyer, I’m not a girl to do anything half way.”

  “I know, but Addie Mae, you get me. I’d never ask you to quit your dream and you’d never ask me to do the same.”

  “Then how can this work?”

  “Let’s not worry about that right now. Instead, let’s enjoy tonight and we’ll see if the light of day brings us some answers. How does that sound?”

  Looking at him and that perfect smile, I can’t say no. Instead, I lean in and kiss his lips sweetly before sliding off his lap and taking my fishing pole in my hand.

  “So, is that a yes?” he questions.

  “Absolutely.” As the line begins to bob, I pause and then once I know the fish is hooked, I begin to reel it in.

  Taking the fish in my hand, I take it off the hook and look to Sawyer. “Where we putting them?”

  “The cooler over there.” Walking over, I drop it in and go back to the edge of the dock.

  “Want to know what my favorite way to escape is?” he almost whispers as I take his hand in mine.

  “Fishing.” He looks to me. “It always has been. Wanna hear me sound crazy?”

  “Doubtful, but go ahead.”

  “When I go fishing in LA, I pretend I’m here on this dock. I’ve always known that this place is important to my life, but I didn’t know until tonight why.”

  * * *


  The moment she says those words, I know that she’s the one. The one that I’m supposed to share my life with beyond the lights. Standing from the dock, I take her hand and she stands with me. “Dance with me.” She looks at me with question, but doesn’t resist. I don’t play a song; instead, we dance to the beat of the Mason countryside. Pulling her to my chest, she rests her head as we sway to our own beat and if time could stand still, I’d freeze this moment.

  With her head on my chest I hear her beautiful voice, “Let’s make it work, Sawyer. I never want to give this up.”

  Sliding m
y hand under her chin, her eyes find mine. Bending down, her lips lift to mine. As we pull away, she doesn’t let me go.

  “Sawyer, they might love you in those lights, but this is my favorite. Those stadium lights are perfect for living your dream, but I prefer me and you under the Mason sky with no lights in sight.”

  “Me, too.” For the first time in my life, I don’t want to be on a football field. Instead, I want to be in the stillness and quiet with someone that understands what it’s like to have people always watching your every move.

  Holding her in my arms, I don’t want to let her go, but I can’t hold onto her forever. Leading her by the hand, we take a seat at the edge of the dock, drink another beer, and fish.

  After an hour of no bites, she reels in her rod and looks at me. “You know, I don’t exactly have to live in LA all the time.” Reeling mine in, I look to her.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean that I could come home more or when there’s downtime make it a priority.” Taking my beer, I stand and walk to the railing as she follows me.

  Looking to her, I tell her, “I’d never ask you to do that.”

  Moving beside me, she places her hand on my arm, “I know, but I also know that you could come to LA after football season, during breaks, or during the summer. My schedule varies so much and I’ve been trying to find a place to call home, but nowhere ever seemed to fit.”

  “I don’t want people to think I made you do that.” She starts to giggle.

  “Sawyer, you of all people know that I have always made my own decisions. I need somewhere to call home and Mason has always been it. I might look the part of Hollywood, so to speak, but deep down, all I want is to cheer on the Punchers every Friday I have open. Hell, I’ll even wear that gosh awful Backin’ Jackson tank with a smile.”

  The happiness I feel within my soul builds as I look at her. “Yeah, that was sexy as hell.”

  “Which part, me or the jackass on the front?” She winks.

  “You for sure, but I think we’re going to have to do better than that,” I say as I turn and she wraps her arms around my neck.

  “Oh really?”

  “Yes, really. I want everyone to know you’re my girl cheering me on in the stands, but it’s what happens when those lights go out that matters most.”

  “Promise me one thing, Sawyer.”


  “Love me like you do the lights from now until forever.”

  “I promise.”


  Addie Mae ~ Six Weeks Later

  SINCE I LEFT MASON, I have talked to Sawyer each and every day. We’re making this work, but it’s harder than I thought. Today is the final shoot for Callie and I’ve already got a flight booked for home.

  “Girl, you are on cloud nine! You’re going to see that hottie, huh?” Callie says.

  “Maybe, but he doesn’t know it.”

  “You love doing that to folks down there.”

  “Oh gosh, I guess I do, but tonight is the biggest football rivalry and I can’t miss it.” She looks at the clock. “No worries. I’m flying out within the next few hours.”

  “Honey, no. You'll never make it.” Taking her cell phone she calls someone and the next thing I know, I can’t believe my ears. “My limo will pick you up at your house in one hour. My brother owns a helicopter. He’ll will fly you out there.”

  “That’s too much, Callie.”

  “I’ll hear none of that. You are so much more than my makeup artist. I’m blessed to call you a friend.”

  “You are too good to me.” She gives me a hug and then pushes me out the door.

  “Now, I want to hear all about it once you’re back.”

  Hurrying home, I quickly change into my cut-offs and slide on my shirt I had Mama make. Looking in the mirror, I smile. Yes, home is where the coach is. Tossing on my ball cap, I grab my carry-on and hurry to the limo.

  I call Sawyer on my way to the airport and tell him about my day.

  “So did that wrap up the season or do you have to work again tomorrow?” he asks.

  “We will finish up late tonight. I’ve got a flight for tomorrow as early as possible. Good luck tonight. I can’t believe I’m going to miss this game.”

  “It's okay. I know you’d be here if you could, and remember, that’s why we work. I’ll talk to you once I get home tonight.”

  “Sounds good.” Hanging up from him, I quickly call Madelyn and tell her the change of plans and then I call Mama. I can’t believe that I’m going to have to land in the field at the high school, but then again, it’s perfect.

  * * *


  Hearing Addie Mae’s voice helped calm my nerves before the big game. I know she’d be here if she could but I do wish we’d share the first rivalry game together. It would be amazing to see her smiling face in the stands.

  Walking out of the field house, I notice the local police making a road block in the parking lot and I start to walk over to see what is going on. We don’t have time for this on game day.

  “Officer, can you tell me what’s going on?”

  “Hey, Coach, not really. All I know is that Sergeant ordered me to come and clear out the parking lot. I didn’t ask questions. He did say that it wouldn’t affect the game directly.”

  “Great,” I say as I hear the oddest sound approaching and when I look into the sky, I see a helicopter. I take out my phone, redialing the last number I called. As the voicemail picks up, I hang up. There’s no way.

  Once the front windshield comes into view, I see her and my heart soars. Without thinking, I walk toward the helicopter but the officer stops me.

  “Coach, you’re going to have to stay back.”

  “Like hell. That’s my girl.”

  As the door opens, Addie Mae jumps from the helicopter with a huge grin other face, runs to me and jumps into my arms. I never thought I’d want anything more than being on that football field but today, I know that having her with me under the lights makes life worth living.

  “I couldn’t miss it, Sawyer. It means too much to you.” Looking into her eyes, they are filled with happy tears. I pull her to me and her lips meet mine. There is no doubt that I love this woman, and I can’t wait to see what life has in store for us beyond the lights.

  About the Author

  CASEY PEELER GREW UP IN North Carolina and still lives there with her husband and daughter.

  Growing up Casey wasn't an avid reader or writer, but after reading Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neal Hurston during her senior year of high school, and multiple Nicholas Sparks' novels, she found a hidden love and appreciation for reading. That love ignited the passion for writing several years later, and her writing style combines real life scenarios with morals and values teenagers need in their daily lives.

  When Casey isn't writing, you can find her near a body of water listening to country music with a cold beverage and a great book.

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  Books in the Wanted World

  The Wanted Series (7 Books) ~ Kelly Elliott

  Another Round of Whiskey ~ S. Moose

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